
Showing posts with the label anniversary

Happy 9th Anniversary!!!

Happy 9th Anniversary to this blog!!!  It was February 13th 2013 when I decided to write a blog. Here's the link to my first post that says "Welcome to Blogger, Naya!" I have been writing on platforms such as 's TeenTalk, Multiply, Tumblr and an online-writing websites that has wide range of viewers since 2009. I write anonymously. I just write as a passion and a hobby. I am not monetizing in it. Little did I know I can earn money from them.  I left writing when I found out snippets of my written works online, being used on a social media posts without credits and some saying that the idea was theirs.  I can't believe I left when I was  about to start monetizing and it was easier then to apply for Google Ads.   This blog's title post was changed from different URLs and tracking my page was confusing sometimes.  Google Ads now see my site as LOW CONTENT that I need to polish and post more to finally get my application to put advertis