
Showing posts with the label friendship

Let Me Go (Open Letter)

             Hi. Are you okay? I hope that when you read this, you are in a good mood. I just want to let you know that despite all my heartaches and what I'm going through right now, I still believe in having my hopes up and I know I can get through this. I want to thank you for the friendship. I miss what we had, the friendship that lasts even if it was a long time since we last met and we talked for awhile. I appreciate what you have been doing. You are accomplished person now. You manage to build a life on your own. What I don't like about you is you forgot that whatever you are doing, you have to please ALLAH . No matter how much wealth you are earning it will be taken away from you in a snap. Our life is controlled by Allah, it was given to us. Pray. Do Hajj. Respect women. Never lie. Never cheat on them. Yes, a woman's role is to do things for the half of her deen but Allah respected women. Hawwa (Eve) came from Adam's left rib, near his heart so that we can