Be Happy! :)

"Be Happy"
   There is no way you're going to let a bad mood get in the way. Set aside those ugly feelings behind. There are a lot of reasons to be happy, and enjoy life. Since summer's near approaching, there goes F-U-N. Yes! Finally happening. *winks* but before going on a vacation or whatever your plans for the summer is, be sure to ace your Finals. It's only a week left for school and you have to study hard. 

If you keep a mindset that is positive, you'll gain confidence. Believe in yourself. Say it! "I CAN DO THIS"
even if some say you can't. There's happiness every time you've done something that you thought you couldn't, that's ACCOMPLISHMENT. When you learn to cope up with your fear that holds you down, you'll begin to seek more and learn and be happy.

Reasons why we should be HAPPY:
1.  God.
2. Family
3. Friendship
4. Love
5.  School
6. Food
7. Internet
8. Free stuff
9. Inspirations
10. Goals

As the saying goes "Never get discourage when things go beyond your expectations, Always remember that the greatest thing is not winning but rising every time we fall."

So, throw away those negative/bad vibes away from your life. Don't worry and BE HAPPY! :)

Negative thinking only falls on to depression, here's the types of negative thinking:

           Types of negative thinking that add to Depression

1. All-or-nothing thinking
 - Looking at things in black-or-white categories, with no middle ground (“If I fall short of perfection, I’m a total failure.”)
2. Over-generalization 
Generalizing from a single negative experience, expecting it to hold true forever (“I can’t do anything right.”)
3. The mental filter 
Ignoring positive events and focusing on the negative. Noticing the one thing that went wrong, rather than all the things that went right.
4. Diminishing the positive 
Coming up with reasons why positive events don’t count (“She said she had a good time on our date, but I think she was just being nice.”)
5. Jumping to conclusions 
Making negative interpretations without actual evidence. You act like a mind reader (“He must think I’m pathetic.”) or a fortune teller (“I’ll be stuck in this dead end job forever.”)
6. Emotional reasoning
 - Believing that the way you feel reflects reality (“I feel like such a loser. I really am no good!”)
7. ‘Shoulds’ and ‘should-nots’
Holding yourself to a strict list of what you should and shouldn’t do, and beating yourself up if you don’t live up to your rules.
8. Labeling 
Labeling yourself based on mistakes and perceived shortcomings (“I’m a failure; an idiot; a loser.”)


If some reasons, you have experience this, try to take a moment and re-think again. Is the reason enough to keep me negative? No. So why bother. Be Happy!



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