Are you registered to vote? If not, why not?

I'm here to tell and encourage you to please REGISTER to VOTE, it's your right. Our future depends on who we will vote in this coming election on May 2022.

Are you tired of corrupt officials? Good. Me too.

Yes. Your one vote counts. It is very important and we should be vigilant in selecting our future leaders for the next 6 years. I'm tired of hearing politicians promises of change. Remember what President Rodrigo Duterte's slogan in 2016? CHANGE IS COMING. Have you felt it? 🤨

Yes, change indeed has happened but it was not for the better. I will not speak about his lack of promises and achievements. I will talk about why it is important for us to REGISTER AND VOTE.

Why should you go out and register to vote on May 2022:

  • It is your right to vote. 
  • Voting is our chance for our voices to be heard on the issues that affect our lives.
  • It will give us a chance to have a direct impact on the government we would like to have.
  • We can choose progressive candidates
  • We can hold officials accountable
  • Voting is part of nation-building

For the past four years, we have been in a lot of situations. Volcanic eruptions, pandemic, Marawi Siege, Earthquakes, and storm wrecks to name a few. We, Filipinos are known for being hopeful, brave and steadfast. I know as an individual, I can only contribute small things but if my voice can be heard by others then I will raise it and will speak my mind. I am pleading you in behalf of the children who has yet the right to vote. We lost a lot of lives because of this pandemic and I'm sad that there could have been a better response the government should have done but did not do. 

The registration period is extended until October 30. So, what are you waiting for? REGISTER NOW. Don't wait until the deadline. Make your vote counts and help Philippines be a better country. We all have party lists, organizations or relatives we support and let's help them make a change. Go to your city or municipal hall to register or the nearest COMELEC at your place. Just bring a valid ID with you.



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