
If you don't like love stories, don't bother reading.
Cheesy people and open-minded only

This is a short story written by yours truly

(This photo is not mine. Credits to the original owner)

The first time I saw Drake is not 'butterfly-in-stomach' feeling, it was a merely a glance. He's good-looking and all but that asset has nothing to do with me. I was a straight A student and fortunately was the top of the class. We were classmates for the first time in high school. He's not a bully nor a jerk, he's simply playful. 

The second year we're classmates was completely different. I can't remember what happened we slowly noticed each other and neither of us knew who first spoke to each other a 'Hi' and 'Hello'. Those times when we're just simply acquaintance, there was debates in class and I'll answer, he didn't argue but he'd smile or cracked a joke and whenever other boys talked or jokes he'd join the conversation.

We were junior and still classmates and we became seatmates in most of our classes. We became friends out of the decency of being seatmates. When I'm home and I'll check my notes to study I'd find my Math notebook has doodles at the back. It was either my name or his.  One afternoon, I overheard him talking to his friend that he has a girlfriend. I'd observe that a lot of girls had crush to him, even girls ahead or a college students. I never did realize that he was that popular with girls because I was busy with the betterment of my education. I was on a scholarship and my parents are not rich nor poor, just right.

On our Senior year, sadly we were not classmates but on the contrary we've became close. I've met his siblings and her older sister and I became close too. I've also known a younger brother of his that just look like him only thinner. His brother looked friendly, he'd smile at me but doesn't talk much. On our prom, he was my escort. In the duration of our nice friendship I seldom asked him about his crushes and girlfriends.  He would simply answered my question with: no girlfriend for the moment, hundred crushes and a special girl he loves. He's quite hesitant when I ask who is she? Time's fast you don't realize it was graduation. I graduated high school with the highest award and he bagged special awards.

There are a lot of college we applied and gladly we were both accepted in a prestigious University. He took Medical Technology while I got into Philosophy. Simply because I wanted to be a lawyer and he wanted to be a doctor. One semester had passed and told me he had to study in another place, his whole family will migrate because his younger brother need medication cause he has a disease and it can't be easily cured. He gave me the address they will move in.

I cried the night and realize how much he meant to me. I'd thought of the time we've shared the laughter and the bonding, and help. How he'd still smile even if I'm mad at him. How we cheered each other. We respected and trusted our friendship. The limitation and boundaries I'll sometime set. Most of all I've came into conclusion that I see him not in  platonic way but romantically. I'm doom..

The day he'll leave, I blurted out and told him "I love you" I regret the moment I said the last word. I sighed and look him in the eyes he just smiled widely and hugged me tight and whispers "You could have said it earlier. I love you too." I froze awhile when I fully understood. All of the sudden his father called out to him and it was time to go. He kissed me on the forehead. Lastly, I hugged him it lifted my feet.


Days, weeks, months and a year had passed, no communication with him. I called his phone but it was disconnected. I did sent letters but no single reply. I tried his e-mails and was never online.

One-sided love hurts, but the feeling of loving is happy but crucial when it is not returned.
Love is a never-ending story. Love is everywhere. And True love did exist and is FOREVER.


Some of the events are based  on my real-life story. hahaha
The views and opinions of the subject are with regards to author's imagination.
This story is mostly fictional. All resemblance to anyone is purely coincidence.
This story is Copyright 2013 © by Naya Panda
Please do not distribute or claim is as your own.

Be considerate if there are grammars error, please be mindful. Thank you.


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